Map & Directions to the Judicial Center


Map & Directions to the Circuit Court Building



Christian County Justice Center & Circuit Court Building Security:

As you enter the Christian County Justice Center & Circuit Court Buildings you will be required to pass through a security checkpoint. No exceptions will be allowed. People with disabilities will need to speak to the security staff for the necessary accommodations. If you are going into a courtroom, you MAY NOT bring in your cell phone.
If you need it to show your insurance, when the Judge sees you, he will instruct you to go back out and get it.  If you can print it off ahead of time that will be better for you.  Reading materials are premitted.

The security checkpoint is very similar to airport security checkpoints in that you will be required to deliver any hand carried items (i.e., purses, briefcases, packages, lunch boxes, umbrellas, etc.) to the security officer for inspection. If you are wearing a belt you will have to take it off.
You will also be required to empty your pockets of any metal items (e.g.
keys, pens, loose change, cigarette packs, foil wrapped items, wallets, pagers, cell phones) into a plastic basket available at the checkpoint.

As you pass through the metal detector do not touch the sides of the metal detector. If the metal detector beeps, you will be asked to step back and check your pockets again. In some instances you may be requested to remove articles of clothing, such as a belt, steel-toed boots, jacket or coat and place them on the black conveyor belt.

No weapons of any kind will be allowed in the Justice Center & Circuit Court Buildings. Examples include: mace, pocket knives of any length, scissors, unauthorized tools, or any other item that could be used as a weapon. There are no storage facilities for such items and security staff is not allowed to hold personal items. If you have such items with you, you will be instructed to take the items out of the building and you will not be allowed through the security checkpoint until you no longer have these items on your person. Therefore, please do not bring such items with you!

If you leave the secure area of any building at any time, you will be required to repeat this procedure every time you re-enter the secure area of the building.
Following the steps above, will assist in completing the process in a quick and efficient manner.

Justice Center Building:

After you have passed through the security checkpoint, Judge Bacon, Associate Circuit Division IV courtroom is to the right, along with the Circuit Clerk's office where you can pay traffic ticket, criminal court costs and municipal costs. Judge Ward, Associate Circuit Division III courtroom and the 2nd Circuit Clerk's office are on the second floor and can be accessed via the staircase adjacent to the security area. The elevator to the second floor is located to the right of the security area at the end of the hall.

Circuit Courts Building:

After you have passed through the security checkpoint, you will take the elevator or the stairs to the 2nd Floor for Presiding Judge Johnson's and Circuit Judge Kruse's courtrooms.


Cameras are not allowed in  the Justice Center & Circuit Court Buildings.
No food or drink is allowed in the courtrooms.
No cell phones are allowed in the courtrooms.
Conversations should be conducted outside the courtrooms.
Loud conversations are not acceptable at any time in the building.
There are no public vending machines located in the Justice Center & Circuit Court Buildings.

No food or drinks are allowed in the Justice Center & Circuit Court Buildings.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations:

Recognizing the need for assistance in the area of equal access in Missouri trial courts, the Access to Justice Program provides the following services to the courts:

Accommodating a Person with a Disability
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a comprehensive civil rights law for people with disabilities that became effective July 26, 2000. The United States Department of Justice enforces the requirements of Title II addressing programs, services and activities of State and local government.
Missouri’s courts strive to make the courts' programs and services accessible to all. The ADA home page on the United States Department of Justice website.

The Access to Justice Program assists courts in providing full community access to programs in existing facilities and provides guidance in planning new construction and renovations. The Program also provides guidance to the courts in providing auxiliary aids and services for persons requesting an accommodation for their disability.

By statute, courts shall provide, based on expressed needs, auxiliary aids or services to interpret any proceeding for a person who is deaf or hard of hearing (Section 476.753, RSMo). This includes a person who is a party, juror, witness, spectator, or a juvenile whose parent, guardian or foster parent is deaf or hard of hearing if the juvenile is brought to any court proceeding. Qualified interpreters are only those licensed and certified in accordance with 5 CSR 100-200.170. Fees for such services are paid by the Office of State Courts Administrator (Section 476.760, RSMo).

For questions or assistance regarding requirements of Title II of the ADA with regard to court proceedings, please call (573) 751-4377 or send an email to Phyllis Launius.

If you know that you will need assistance in the courtroom, please call ahead to (417) 582-5120 for Civil and (417) 582-5160 for Criminal.